Friday, January 3, 2014

Changing Weather

 Today was a beautiful day! It's in the upper 60's in January. I must admit this is not good weather for the upcoming Summer...we are in full drought and it's only January. We need rain!! While we wait for the rain, we will play in the beautiful weather. :)  I do hope we get rain soon though.
Our Lovebug giggling on the swing.

This is the first time she has enjoyed the swings. They kinda freaked her out before. It was fun watching her enjoy them today. :)

My hubby is Super Dad! I have no question that there is a cape hiding somewhere under his shirt. <3

Exploring the cracks in the driveway. Hahaha.


Our little Super Hero is helping. :)
 He's getting SO big!
 This also happened today. 
Yes Ma'am I got me a Keurig.
 It's my new buddy bringing me caffeinated joy.
I'm the only one who drinks coffee around here so it just made sense.
Today has been an eye opening day. The weather of our lives is going change.
This year is going to be one of some pretty big changes (as if last year wasn't enough. Geesh!). 

I just signed Justus up for his first season of Little League baseball...well T-ball really.  He's excited and so are we. Even though I know it means a lot of time outside in the elements and all our Saturdays through May will be taken up with baseball, but we are still excited for this new adventure.

Another HUGE change will be Justus starting Kindergarten this August.
I. Can't. Believe. He. Is. Going. To. Kindergarten.
My mind is blown.

All this plus I am working on some internal junk. I hoping for personal change this year as well. Maybe I'll share about it later?