Monday, November 25, 2013


 Look who's home for Thanksgiving!!!
My heart is so full. I love this guy!
(I was not allowed to tell anyone...he wanted to surprise his friends. But now that he went to church and surprised everyone, I can let the whole world know...finally! lol)

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Lovebug First Birthday Party

 Our Little Miss is turning ONE.
My how the first year seems soooo long and yet it goes by soooo fast!  Well, she won't be officially one till next week. :)  Anywho, I picked a ladybug theme...but went with a "LOVEbug" idea. It suits her. She is a little love for sure. 
I made heart cookies and decorated them like ladybugs...
 Cupcakes are 'funfetti' cause sprinkles make everything better! I made half of them into Ladybugs and the other half had heart sprinkles.
 Confession...I can be a pack rat of sorts...get it from my Grandpa Earl. I've learned to throw things away over the last 10 yrs and only keep certain the three leftover heart shaped tin foil cupcake liners from YEARS ago! I just KNEW I would eventually use them...and I used one of them for K's smash cake. :) Yes that means I do STILL have the other two. Hahaha. I'm sure they will get used on some Valentine's Day goody or something...eventually. ;)
Okay, so here's her wittle smash cake...

Me and my Lovebug who doesn't cooperate with the camera.
 I made a Ladybug ring toss game. It was a big hit!

 Grandma and Justus. Poor Justus wasn't feeling so well. He came down sick shortly after the party. :(

 Kenleigh attacking her 'boyfriend'. She likes his hair.
 Love her!

 A few of the dudes.
 Time for her first cake!

 She kept rubbing the frosting between her fingers.

 She finally dove in!
 Now that's how you eat cake!

 The cake stuck to the foil plate I made, but that didn't stop her...
 I have to say that she wasn't nearly as messy as Justus. Much more lady like!
 One of the best, and most underestimated, gifts...a simple bouncy ball!
 She didn't know what to do, so I had to help her. :)
 First doll.
 First purse!
 Cute clothes.
 Musical books. :)
 What did Mommy and Daddy get her? Why a Wonder Woman play set of course! She couldn't be left out of all the super hero imaginary play around here. ;)
 She got the hang of opening her presents...paper was flying people!
 "What else is in there Mommy?"
 Kenleigh and her 'boyfriend' Ethaniel. Hahaha.
 Grandma and Grandpa Allen and cousin Tyler. <3
 A few of my girlfriends. Don't we look so peaceful in this pic?!
 Yes?! Well here is what was going on around our feet while we were trying to get the above bees in a beehive..but louder!
 The after party!!
Good times. 
Happy Birthday Baby Girl...We love you!!!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Serious post....More for me 2 remember than for you...So the past year has been CRAZY with CHANGE. LOTS of it!! I'm almost going numb cause I don't know how to process it all. 

I had baby number 3, which I haven't fully mentally recovered from. LOL. The 'Mommy Brain' effect is out of control.  I'm blaming it on the gross lack of sleep since K's been born!

I'm back to homeschooling Justus. This was challenging before I had K and now it's even harder to pull it all together. I know God called me to do this with him this year so I am def leaning hard on the Lord in this area. Oy. Of course, Justus is liking it...even if it's mass mayhem. :) God is so good!

Jalen goes out-of-state for college with 3 days notice. This was one of the most challenging changes, but is the biggest blessing at the same time. Besides the 'Mommy Emotions' there is the practical everyday life without the extra help. I already have a hard time doing all that needs to be done and now its that much harder. I have an AMAZING husband who has been helping pick up the slack. Jon really is THE BEST! We make a great TEAM!!!

We had to move my ailing Grandma here from the Bay Area. My Mom, who is also another person who helps me out if needed, now spends 3 days a week with her...rightly so. We also sporadically visit and spend time with her as well.

My cousin and family move out-of-state. Not only do I lose a close family member, but Justus also loses his play buddy at family events. :(

My Aunt and Uncle decided to follow my cousin and their grandbaby out-of-state and put their house on the market...and it SELLS IN 24 HOURS!! Nobody was expecting that! We only get a months notice before they will be gone too. This is the Aunt and Uncle that host most of our family events. With the holidays fast approaching, we have to figure out new family traditions!

This isn't all bad, just CHANGE.

There has also been a lot of change at our church. Church is like my second extended family.  When things change there, it affects me too.

Another type of 'second family' is my MOPS Mommy friends. Love those ladies! Well yep, you guessed it CHANGE there too.  This is my 4th year in the group and our former leader stepped down cause her kiddos are now school age, so my friend and neighbor has stepped up to the challenge of being our 'fearless leader.' LOL. She is doing a fabulous job...but it is CHANGE.

A close friend of mine is going through a personal struggle and there have been major changes in her life. This affects me...cause I choose to love her through them.

My life is full of CHANGE.
 Like a lot, a lot, a lot. 
I'm just trying to hang on...
so why not add a new blog in the mix, eh!?!
Sounds perfectly logical to me.